
Hobie 33 Standard Rudder

Hobie 33 standard rudderA replacement rudder for the Hobie 33, build to original dimensions.

We have also developed a modified rudder for the Hobie 33 – see below for details.

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Hobie 33 Modified Rudder

This rudder redesign was done for a customer who wanted a more off-shore capable rudder – he has done well in the Pacific Cup with it, as well as other events. It is 9″ deeper than the original. We were able to build it around the old stainless rudder stock.

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We had a great Pac Cup and sailed against some great competition. The rudder worked awesome, lots of control, no real whipeouts and hit top speeds of 22.3 knots. The best result of the new rudder though is the upwind performance, we now seem to be able to compete going to weather and had an epic Swiftsure finishing 2nd after a great upwind leg and hit 23.5 knots downwind. Love the new rudder and would recomend it to any ather Hobie 33 owner. Cheers John “Por Favor”