Inland 20 Scow Rudder
We developed these rudders for the Inland 20 scow in co-operation with some keen sailers from the mid west. Lightweight, with less balance for better helm feel than the typical flat plate aluminum rudders, and with a good amount of aft sweep to shed weeds.
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The most important thing about the testing is, there were no surprises. The boat handles well with either rudder upwind, although we could tell a difference with the new one when executing ‘bat turns’ while sheeted in hard upwind. ….
On to the rest of the testing. When we set the asymmetrical, we loaded up the rig, and sailed high, with high heel, and were able to replicate the stall of the standard aluminum rudder…there was a roostertail out the back of the boat on the starboard transom while attempting to bear off on port jibe. We were not able to stall the new rudder while doing the same thing on starboard, that part of the test was very dramatic.
– Willie C.